Review Retirement Income for Life
Retirement Income for Life High quality books Retirement Income for Life By:Fred Vettese Published on 2018-03-02 by Other than their health, what worries retirees most is the thought of running out of money before they die. It doesn't have to be this way. Retirement Income for Life presents five clear strategies for making the most of your accumulated life savings, and for turning it into predictable, sustainable retirement income that will last as long as you do. Those who are looking for good advice should start by reading anything written by Fred Vettese.- Pension guru Malcolm Hamilton, as reported in the Globe and Mail. Fred Vettese' book Retirement Income for Life (Milner & Associates, Toronto, 2018) seems destined to become the bible of any new or near retiree challenged with converting large RRSPs and other savings into reliable income. - Jon Chevreau reporting in MoneySense magazine. When I've been asked for resources to help who are now drawing down thei...