Review Financial Structure and Monetary Transmission in Europe
Financial Structure and Monetary Transmission in Europe High quality books Financial Structure and Monetary Transmission in Europe By:Gabe J. De Bondt Published on 2000-01-01 by Edward Elgar Publishing 'I can fully recommend this book to those interested in the transmission process of monetary policy.' - Harry Garretsen, De Economist Due to financial market imperfections it is imperative to analyse the relationship between financial structure and the monetary policy transmission process in Europe to effectively design and implement European monetary policy. Focusing on the years 1980-1995 and providing empirical evidence for six European countries, namely Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands, the author discusses whether cross-country variations in financial structure have a systematic relationship with inter-country differences in the monetary transmission process. The analysis of this is invaluable as differences in financial structures across EMU count...